Filter and display custom post type, custom taxonomy, and custom field.
Live front-end filtering, search, and sort (by category, tag, custom taxonomy, custom field, keyword search) for any post type.
Display multiple post types in one show/shortcode (e.g: display posts, pages, products, portfolio in a layout).
8+ Modern layouts (e.g: Carousel, Grid, List, Isotope, Timeline, ZigZag, Accordion, Large w/ Small).
Turn any layout into an isotope(shuffle) filter.
Create and display unlimited shows (multiple shows can be added to pages or anywhere you like).
Design beyond limit without writing CSS.
Ajax number, Load more, Infinite scrolling pagination.
Filter and display WooCommerce products (recent, on sale, best-selling, featured, top-rated, out of stock, many more, etc.).
Work great with different Page Builders like Elementor, Divi, WPBakery, ThemeFusion, Beaver Builder, Site Origin, etc.
Supports ACF, WooCommerce, EDD, CPT UI, The Events Calendar, Events Manager, Pods, Toolset, WPML, Polylang, Membership, and many more.
Isotope(shuffle) filter posts by taxonomy terms.
The search field on the isotope or any layout.
Content excerpt, limit, and full content display option.
12 Social sharing media, alignment, margin. icon shape, custom color, and many more.
Carousel controls for carousel layout with numerous options.
Sticky posts (normal position, top of the list, hide sticky posts).
Include, exclude (current post, password-protected posts, children posts).
Include, exclude post or page by ID, title (enter post IDs, or type to search by title).
Limit the number of total items to display.
Offset options (number of items to skip from first).
Filter by a category, tags, author, status, keyword, etc.
Filter by custom taxonomy, custom field.
Filter by date (today, future, custom date, custom year, specific: date, month, year; specific period(from & to), many more, etc).
Sort by ID, Title, Date, Modified date, post in (drag & drop), post slug, post type, random, custom field, comment count, page order (menu order), author, most liked, most viewed.
Taxonomy operator (IN, AND, NOT IN) and query post with relation(AND, OR).
Responsive column settings and the margin between columns.
6 Content orientations (default classic, left image, right image, overlay, card, overlay box), and 8 positions.
Border, border-radius, box-shadow, background, inner padding, content padding, and many more.
The margin for every content field (thumbnail, title, meta fields, content, social share, custom fields).