
Version 3.0.1 – Jul 17, 2024

  • New: A hook ‘pcp_hr_grid_first_item_content_limit’ to modify the hierarchal grid layout first item content limit.
  • Improved: The thumbnail style of Thumbs Slider Layout.
  • Fix: The Filter by Taxonomy was not working at v3.0.0.
  • Fix: The leave empty case of the Limit option was not working.
  • Tested: WordPress 6.6 compatibility.

Version 3.0.0 – Jul 11, 2024

  • New: The Slider Layout feature.
  • New: The Thumbnails Slider Layout feature with 4 Thumbnails Slider Styles.
  • New: The Glossary Layout feature.
  • New: 5 different styles of Hierarchical Grid layout.
  • New: 3 new styles (Horizontal, Right Side, Left Side) of Timeline layout.
  • New: Dedicated Multi-Row Carousel Feature.
  • New: The Content Box Width option for the Overlay Box style.
  • New: Title limit by Words option
  • New: The Border option of the Readmore button.
  • New: The Border option for Ajax Live Filter buttons and Isotope Filter buttons.
  • New: The Load More Button Border option.
  • New: The Items per Click option for Ajax Load More and Infinite Scroll paginations.
  • New: Some arrow Icons added for carousel navigation.
  • New: The Visible On Hover option for Vertical Center, Vertical Inner, and Vertical Outer positions of Carousel Navigation.
  • New: The Border option of the Carousel Navigation.
  • New: 3 Amazing styles (Dynamic, Strokes, Fraction) of the Carousel Pagination option.
  • New: The copy icon was added to the social share icons list.
  • Improved: Plugin UI and UX improved.
  • Improved: The backed options have been enhanced.
  • Improved: The Options of Display Settings were reorganized by the Nested Tab.
  • Improved: The Options of Carousel Settings were reorganized by the Nested Tab.
  • Improved: The Carousel Mode option is renamed to the Carousel Style option.
  • Improved: The Carousel Style option is placed after the Layout option.
  • Improved: The ‘Large with Small’ layout is renamed to the ‘Hierarchical Grid’ layout.
  • Improved: The Hide on Mobile option is separated for carousel navigation and pagination options.
  • Improved: The Maximum Width and Maximum Height options are merged into one option named Popup Max Size.
  • Updated: The language(.pot) file.
  • Fix: In the List layout, the thumbnail margin CSS was overridden.
  • Tested: WordPress 6.5.5 compatibility.

Version 2.5.8 – May 03, 2024

  • New: A hook ‘sps_placeholder_image_upload’ was added to allow or disallow uploading the plugin placeholder image to the upload directory.
  • Fix: The AND condition issue of isotope filer when dropdown filter type was selected.
  • Fix: The CSS prefix issue.
  • Tested: WordPress 6.5.2 compatibility.

Version 2.5.7 – Dec 04, 2023

  • Fix: Few PHPCS warnings with PHP8.2.
  • Tested: WordPress 6.4.1 compatibility.

Version 2.5.6 – Sep 20, 2023

  • New: The Category option to show the product category above the product title.
  • New: The Link type field of the ACF plugin compatibility.
  • New: Hooks ‘sp_smart_post_event_start_date_format’ and sp_smart_post_event_event_date_format’ added to modify event date format.
  • New: Hooks ‘sp_pcp_before_post_content’ and sp_pcp_before_post_content’ added to add something before and after content as per need.
  • New: A hook ‘pcp_post_excerpt_limit’ was added to modify the excerpt text limit in the Smart Post Show.
  • Fix: The nofollow option does not work.
  • Fix: The Word Count doesn’t work when HTML tags are allowed in post content.
  • Fix: Elementor Pro (3.14.0) CSS conflict makes the slider blank.
  • Fix: The Gutenberg column styles don’t work when the entire content is shown.
  • Fix: The warning was found when allow_url_fopen of the website server is disabled.
  • Fix: When post content is built with Divi builder, the divi shortcodes are not executed in the content loaded on the Ajax load more button click.
  • Fix: The swiper conflict issue with the Xstore theme.
  • Fix: The meta titles are shown in the table layout even though I hide the meta field option.

Version 2.5.5 – May 01, 2023

  • New: The Scroll Pagination feature for the carousel.
  • New: The Partial View of Slide feature for the carousel uses the decimal value in the slide to show.
  • New: A hook (sp_pcp_author_gravatar) was added for modifying the Author Gravatar.
  • New: A hook (sp_pcp_query_arguments) was added to show related posts.
  • Fix: The conflict between the other theme swiper and the Smart Post Show Pro swiper.
  • Fix: The shortcode doesn’t work in the carousel popup.
  • Fix: The placeholder image is not cropped as the image size option.
  • Fix: WPML translation doesn’t work in date meta when the pagination is enabled.
  • Fix: The warning for auto-draft shortcode.
  • Fix: The guest author’s name doesn’t appear in Smart Post Show.
  • Fix: The ‘Items Per Page’ affects the carousel item number.

Version 2.5.4 – Mar 24, 2023

  • New: The Custom Date format option.
  • New: A hook ‘pcp_hide_private_posts_to_visitor’ added to show/hide private posts.
  • New: A hook ‘pcp_replace_thumbnail_with_custom_field_img’ was added to replace the featured image with custom field image in the Smart Post Show.
  • Updated: The Gutenberg Block NPM packages.
  • Improved: The plugin security improved.
  • Improved: The table layout is mobile responsiveness now.
  • Improved: Plugin translation.
  • Fix: The Top of the List option doesn’t work with the filter by Taxonomy option.
  • Fix: The ‘Include only’ search shows no data when selecting the ‘Multiple Post Types’.
  • Fix: Empty post categories don’t appear on the Isotope or live filter selection field.
  • Fix: The post comment URL is not working.
  • Fix: Iframe does not show in post content if the full content option is set.
  • Fix: The text color does not remain the same after free to pro.
  • Fix: The extra margin-top of post thumbnail after free to pro.

Version 2.5.3 – Nov 23, 2022

  • New: The Free mode feature in the slider.
  • Improved: The default font family of the Typography Settings is set to empty to inherit the font family of the current theme.
  • Improved: Help page redesigned.
  • Improved: Product description options optimized.
  • Improved: Load stylesheets in the header based on shortcodes on a page.
  • Fix: Order by Most Viewed doesn’t work Asc/Desc.
  • Fix: JS warning when clicking on the next button of the popup modal.

Version 2.5.2 – Sept 07, 2022

  • New: The Advertisement feature to show ads among the items of the smart post-show.
  • Fix: Custom Field and Taxonomy filters are not working together.
  • Fix: Sort by – Post Slug doesn’t work correctly.
  • Fix: Social Share alignment doesn’t work when the details page setting is selected to a single page or none.
  • Fix: Social share does not appear in a popup when clicking the social icon.
  • Removed: The plugin update notice was removed from a multisite subsite, as shown in the network admin panel.

Version 2.5.1 – Aug 11, 2022

  • New: The Typography of the Ajax live filter button.
  • Updated: Private posts are shown to logged-in users only in Smart Post Show.
  • Fix: Zoom-in, and zoom-out features do not work with overlay or overlay box layout.
  • Fix: OR condition of Ajax live filter for taxonomy.
  • Fix: Custom Field doesn’t work when I set it with more than one word.

Version 2.5.0 – Jul 08, 2022

  • New: A new Table Layout was added.
  • New: The background gradient option of the card.
  • New: The margin between the post meta option.
  • New: The margin between the Ajax Live Filter buttons option.
  • New: Slide animation fade/cube/flip effect for multiple columns in the carousel.
  • Fix: The video doesn’t show on the Zigzag layout.
  • Fix: Font Properties doesn’t work if the meta fields position is ‘Above Title.’
  • Fix: Read More Typography does not show if the content field is disabled.
  • Fix: In the List layout, the image area does not get fixed as the image size.
  • Fix: Taxonomy meta-filed alignment doesn’t work if its position is ‘over thumbnail’ or ‘above title.’
  • Fix: Updater array issue.
  • Fix: PHP 7.1 or less compatibility issue.

Version 2.4.4 – May 20, 2022

  • New: Load 2x resolution image option for retina display.
  • New: The checkbox feature in the advanced filter option.
  • New: Ajax live filter with Custom field value.
  • New: A hook ‘pcp_img_lazy_load’ to disable/enable lazyload of all shortcodes.
  • New: A hook ‘sp_pcp_custom_meta_value’ to modify the custom field to show in the Smart Post Show.
  • New: “Media” Post Type support in this plugin to display with different layouts.
  • New: Replace Layout feature for Custom Post Archive and Custom Post Taxonomy Archives.
  • New: Custom image sizing option for popup image in the Detail Page Settings tab.
  • Improved: Events sort by event starting and ending date, and hide events if expired.
  • Fix: This plugin does not show the correct language in the Polylang plugin with Ajax load more.
  • Fix: When I click on the next page, 2,3, or others, on the No Ajax Number pagination, the page jumps to the top of the page.
  • Fix: The navigations of the carousel are not positioned properly.
  • Fix: The color option of content in the popup does not work.
Version 2.4.3 – Apr 02, 2022
  • New: In the advanced filter option, the sort-by case, the button color, and background color options were added.
  • New: The first button is selected if all button text is empty in the Ajax live filter of the grid layout.
  • Updated: The language (.pot) file has been updated.
  • Updated: The Title HTML Tag option label text is modified to HTML Tag for Title.
  • Fix: The Date and months in the smart post-show are not translatable.
  • Fix: Replace the thumbnail with a video option that does not show in the post carousel.
  • Fix: Embed video does not show in the popup.
  • Fix: The select option does not work in the advanced filter option.
  • Fix: The thumbnail for the Overlay-box layout (post carousel) is not clickable.
  • Fix: The invalid image URL warning has been solved.
  • Fix: A few undefined warning issues were solved, which were found after upgrading from free to pro.
  • Removed: The meta-Icon selection option for Like meta has been removed.

Version 2.4.2 – Mar 09, 2022

  • New: Elementor Addon to insert the shortcode with preview.
  • New: Gutenberg Block to insert the shortcode with preview.

Version 2.4.1 – Dec 28, 2021

  • New: The option to Exclude the “All” button on the Isotope view.
  • Improved: Setting page design with a new layout.
  • Fix: The content limit issue with fusion builder/site origin page builder.
  • Fix: Visual Composer shortcode execute issue.
  • Fix: Some minor issues.

Version 2.4.0 – Nov 22, 2021

  • New: Replace layout added.
  • New: Filter Content tab redesigned.
  • New: WooCommerce product template added.
  • New: WooCommerce product filtering: On sale, recent, featured, best-selling, top-rated, out of stock, etc. added.
  • New: Product-required information fields added.
  • Improved: Plugin codes.
  • Improved: Lazy loading for images.
  • Fix: Several minor issues.

Version 2.3.4 – Sep 30, 2021

  • Fix: License activation issue for a multisite.
  • Fix: Different languages in directories or domains on WPML.

Version 2.3.3 – Sep 27, 2021

  • Fix: JS Error and carousel not working properly.

Version 2.3.2 – Sep 24, 2021

  • New: Ajax live filter button color options.
  • New: Replace the featured image with the content’s first resource(image/video/audio).
  • New: Lazy-load option for the post images.
  • New: Custom and time ago (human time) format added.
  • New: Author gravatar(avatar) options added.
  • New: New: Add filter “pcp_show_all_normal_pagination” for pagination with dynamic mode and inter-number hiding by a dot.
  • Fix: A custom class has been added for removing lazy-load and other issues.
  • Fix: Blank slides issue.
  • Fix: The navigation issue has been fixed when the section title hides.
  • Fix: The compatible issue has been fixed with the Ajax loading theme.
  • Fix: Share icon shape prefix added to remove conflict with the plugin.
  • Fix: Responsive issue with the small layout for a mobile device.
  • Fix: Pagination type: Number and when dynamic pagination is enabled. Pagination doesn’t work correctly.
  • Fix: Minor tweaking and optimized codes.

Version 2.3.1 – Aug 20, 2021

  • Fix: Multiple Row dependency issue.
  • Fix: Navigation undefined issue.
  • Fix: License activation on WPML compatibility issue.
  • Fix: Ajax load-more issues on Polylang plugin.
  • Fix: Carousel ticker mode in Divi builder compatibility issue.
  • Fix: Ajax live-filters issue.

Version 2.3.0 – Jul 16, 2021

  • New: Multiple Row option for the Carousel layout.
  • New: Export and Import option for shows(shortcodes).
  • New: Responsive Breakpoints added in Settings.
  • New: Hiding Taxonomy name and All button from Ajax live filter.
  • New: The Instagram social share option.
  • Fix: The shortcode does not execute if it is a long shortcode when post content with a limit.
  • Fix: Order by drag and drop show product descending wise only.
  • Tested: WordPress 5.8 compatibility.

Version 2.2.0 – Jul 05, 2021

  • New: Template overriding or modification system.
  • New: Slide/item same height option.
  • Fix: Same page normal pagination issue.
  • Fix: Backend preview title alignment issue.
  • Fix: License key error issue.
  • Fix: Minor CSS tweaking.

Version 2.1.11 – Jun 22, 2021

  • New: Shortcode support added to Content with Limit option.
  • Fix: Polylang translation on popup issue.
  • Fix: Sort by ascending/descending issue.
  • Fix: Live filter buttons hiding onClick the filter button if all terms are shown.
  • Fix: Normal pagination is not working on the homepage.
  • Fix: The deleted shortcode was executing.
  • Fix: If the taxonomy terms select field was left empty, all terms will be selected instead of no terms.

Version 2.1.10 – Jun 01, 2021

  • New: Generator backend preview option added.

Version 2.1.9 – May 07, 2021

  • Fix: WPML issue in translated language posts.

Version 2.1.8 – May 04, 2021

  • New: Content-Length Type: Words and Characters added.
  • Fix: Carousel navigation and meta icon position issue to RTL mode.
  • Fix: Tab and key navigation issue.
  • Improved: Minor tweaking.

Version 2.1.7 – Apr 27, 2021

  • Fix: Left to Right Ticker mode speed issue.
  • Fix: Posts per page field override post limit field issue.
  • Fix: Home page normal pagination issue.
  • Fix: Shortcode does not render in the content issue.
  • Update: Swiper JS latest version.

Version 2.1.6 – Apr 13, 2021

  • New: Shows duplicate option.
  • Improved: Shortcode selected area has been optimized.
  • Improved: Dependency added in meta icon.
  • Fix: Help tooltip position issue.
  • Fix: Taxonomy choose terms issue.
  • Fix: Image link accessibility issue.
  • Fix: Custom image resize issue in WPML.
  • Fix: Read more cannot be displayed without showing any content issue.

Version 2.1.5 – Feb 09, 2021

  • New: Post title <br> tag supported.
  • Fix: Excluding current post with Include only option.

Version 2.1.4 – Jan 12, 2021

  • Fix: Post-offset issue.

Version 2.1.3 – Dec 19, 2020

  • New: Mouse wheel scrolling for carousel.
  • Improved: PHP backward compatibility.
  • Fix: WhatsApp social share link issue.
  • Fix: License activation issue with WPML plugin.

Version 2.1.2 – Dec 14, 2020

  • Fix: Preloader issue.

Version 2.1.1 – Dec 10, 2020

  • Fix: License issue.

Version 2.1.0 – Dec 10, 2020

  • Fix: WordPress 5.6 compatible issue.
  • Fix: Displaying one post in the carousel layout issue.
  • New: License key activation option.
  • Improved: Plugin name Post Carousel Pro to Smart Post Show Pro

Version 2.0.2 – Nov 10, 2020

  • New: Pause the on-hover option in the ticker option.
  • Improved: Dashboard UI and settings.
  • Fix: When moving from (carousel, grid, large with small) to list and zigzag, the animation type keeps showing an issue.
  • Fix: Post Meta (Taxonomy) does not work on the over-thumbnail position issue.
  • Fix: Carousel Navigation & pagination padding issue.
  • Fix: Default post meta info hiding issue.
  • Fix: Isotope filter dropdown does not work issue.
  • Fix: Draft post automatically shows on add to live filter issue.
  • Fix: Carousel live-filter issue.
  • Fix: CSS/JS enqueue/dequeue issue.
  • Fix: Order ASC on loadmore issue.

Version 2.0.1 – Sep 24, 2020

  • Fix: Fontawesome conflicting with a theme.
  • Fix: Loop HTML fatal error.

Version 2.0.0 – Sep 18, 2020

  • New: 4 New layouts (Timeline, Zigzag, Accordion, Large with Small)
  • New: Multiple post types of selection options at a time
  • New: Live search and filter.
  • New: 6 Post (item) Content Position
  • New: Overlay Background Type
  • New: Overlay Content-Type, Content Position, and Content Visibility
  • New: Post exclude option
  • New: Post-Offset option
  • New: Advanced Post Filtering Options (Taxonomy, Author, Author, Custom Field, Status, Keyword, Date)
  • New: Dynamic and Number pagination options for the carousel.
  • New: Multiple Sources for Post Thumbnail
  • New: Advanced Padding Options (Content, Inner)
  • New: Zoom effect for thumbnail
  • New: GrayScale effect
  • New: Post (item) overlay content animation
  • New: Title HTML Tag changing option (h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, div)
  • New: Title characters limit option
  • New: Content display type (excerpt, full content, content with a limit)
  • New: Strip HTML tags
  • New: Post Meta position and icon
  • New: Meta Fields Sorting (Author, Date, Taxonomy, Comment, View, Like, Time to Read)
  • New: Meta Separator
  • New: Preloader
  • New: Ajax number, Load More Button, on Scroll, and Normal pagination for grid layout
  • New: Pagination Type for Mobile
  • New: Shuffle Filter Settings
  • New: Shuffle Filter Type (Button and Drop Down)
  • New: Button Color, Alignment, and Margin
  • New: Margin Between Taxonomies
  • New: Dedicated Ajax pagination for Shuffle Filter
  • New: Popup navigation option
  • New: Fields Selection for Popup
  • New: Add Relation “Nofollow” to the item link
  • New: Accessibility option
  • New: Scripts and Styles Enqueue and Dequeue
  • New: Custom CSS and JS option
  • Improved: Made massive changes to the Admin dashboard UI.
  • Improved: Carousel Navigation, Pagination show/hide option
  • Improved: Sticky Post Options
  • Improved: Post (Item) Border and Box-Shadow option
  • Improved: Social Share option.

Version 1.2.16 – Aug 24, 2020

  • Fix: WordPress 5.5 compatible issue.

Version 1.2.15 – May 02, 2020

  • Fix: Video plays after closing popup issue.
  • Fix: Icon search box appearing in the dashboard issue.
  • Fix: Post Like icon overrides issue.

Version 1.2.14 – Jan 10, 2020

  • New: Added alt tag to post thumbnail.
  • Fix: Title displaying issue on the popup.

Version 1.2.13 – Aug 06, 2019

  • New: Detail Page Link opens on a new tab.
  • Fix: WordPress 5.2.2 compatible issue.

Version 1.2.12 – Mar 12, 2019

  • Improved: Image resizing option.
  • Fix: php_exclude_post warning issue.
  • Fix: Setting option conflict issue.

Version 1.2.11 – Feb 14, 2019

  • New: Post title heading tag.
  • New: Slide to Scroll (Large Desktop, Desktop, Tablet, Mobile).
  • New: Exclude post option (Current Post, Sticky Post, Specific Posts).
  • Fix: RTL mode issue.

Version 1.2.10 – Jan 18, 2019

  • New: Slide effect option.
  • New: Adaptive height for the carousel.
  • Fix: Background color issue on Theme Five when the category is hidden.

Version 1.2.9 – Oct 18, 2018

  • Fix: Image resizer conflict issue.

Version 1.2.8 – Sep 05, 2018

  • New: Post title character limit.
  • New: Ticker & Standard mode option.
  • Fix: Zoom effect issue on “Theme Two.”
  • Fix: Grayscale issue on “Theme Two.”
  • Fix: Ticker carousel issue on the mobile device.
  • Improve: Back-end UI improved.

Version 1.2.7 – Aug 03, 2018

  • New: infinite loop arrow style.

Version 1.2.6 – Jul 21, 2018

  • New: Order by “menu_order” added.

Version 1.2.5 – 31.05.2018

  • Fix: Carousel icon color priority.

Version 1.2.4 – 19.05.2018

  • Fix: Post content ellipses issue.

Version 1.2.3 – 27.04.2018

  • Fix: Postbox overlaid on Masonry layout.

Version 1.2.2 – 17.03.2018

  • Fix: Broken link issue.

Version 1.2.1 – 14.03.2018

  • Fix: Grid Columns issue.

Version 1.2 – 02.03.2018

  • New: Ellipsis option.
  • New: Read More option enhanced.
  • New: Post excerpt and Full content option.
  • New: Show/Hide and Text editing option for the “All” tab in the filter layout.
  • New: On/Off option for Google font loading.
  • New: Custom CSS option.
  • New: FontAwesome CSS enqueue/dequeaue option.
  • New: Elusive Icons CSS enqueue/dequeue option.
  • Fix: Columns issue.

Version 1.1.9 – 17.02.2018

  • New: Font Awesome 4.7.0 version added.

Version 1.1.8 – 16.02.2018

  • New: Shortcode duplicated option.
  • New: Shortcode support in post content.
  • Fix: Custom meta value issue.

Version 1.1.7 – 08.02.2018

  • Fix: Display issue for Specific Posts.

Version 1.1.6 – 02.02.2018

  • Fix: Shortcode generator broken issue into High volume posts.

Version 1.1.5 – 15.01.2018

  • Fix: PHP shortcode error issue.

Version 1.1.4 – 05.01.2018

  • Fix: Carousel section title issue.
  • Fix: Readmore button issue.

Version 1.1.3 – 01.01.2018

  • Fix: Resume carousel after closing image popup.
  • Fix: Number pagination style.

Version 1.1.2 – 30.12.2017

  • Fix: Lightbox issue.

Version 1.1.1 – 28.11.2017

  • Fix: Pagination issue.

Version 1.1 – 25.11.2017

  • New: Display Carousel Tittle.
  • New: Help Page.
  • New: Icon Picker in post-meta-area.
  • New: Display custom meta with meta key.
  • New: Post Detail Link Type [Single Page, PopUp].
  • New: Advanced Typography option.
  • New: Improved Admin Dashboard Setting Panel.
  • Fix: Default value empty issue for Post from Taxonomy.
  • Fix: Lightbox icon issue in Theme Style Two.
  • Fix: Display custom taxonomy for Custom Post type.

Version 1.0 – 31.08.2017

  • Initial Released