Layout Presets | 2 | 8 |
Filter and display custom post type, custom taxonomy, custom fields. | | |
Live front-end filtering, search, and sort (by category, tag, custom taxonomy, custom field, keyword search) for any post type. | | |
Display multiple post types in one show/shortcode (e.g: display posts, pages, products, portfolio in a layout). | | |
Turn any layout into an isotope(shuffle) filter. | | |
Even and masonry for the grid. | | |
Create and display unlimited shows (multiple shows can be added to pages or anywhere you like). | | |
Design beyond limit without writing CSS. | | |
Ajax number, Load more, Infinite scrolling pagination. | | |
Filter and display Woocommerce products (recent, on sale, best-selling, featured, top-rated, out of stock, many more, etc.). | | |
Work great with different Page Builders like Elementor, Divi, WPBakery, ThemeFusion, Beaver Builder, Site Origin, etc. | | |
Supports ACF, WooCommerce, EDD, CPT UI, The Events Calendar, Events Manager, Pods, Toolset, WPML, Polylang, Membership, and many more. | | |
Isotope(shuffle) filter posts by taxonomy terms. | | |
The search field on the isotope or any layout. | | |
Content excerpt, limit, and full content display option. | | |
12 Social sharing media, alignment, margin. icon shape, custom color, and many more. | | |
Carousel controls for carousel layout with numerous options. | 12 | 30 |
Sticky posts (normal position, top of the list, hide sticky posts). | | |
Include, exclude (current post, password-protected posts, children posts). | | |
Include (select specific posts), exclude post or page by ID, title (enter post IDs, or type to search by title). | | |
Limit the number of total items to display. | | |
Offset options (number of items to skip from first). | | |
Filter by a category, tags, author, status, keyword, etc. | | |
Filter by custom taxonomy, custom fields. | | |
Filter by date (today, future, custom date, custom year, specific: date, month, year; specific period(from & to), many more, etc). | | |
Sort by ID, Title, Date, Modified date, post in (drag & drop), post slug, post type, random, custom field, comment count, page order (menu order), author, most liked, most viewed. | | |
Taxonomy operator (IN, AND, NOT IN) and query post with relation (AND, OR). | | |
Taxonomy ordering. | | |
Responsive column settings and the margin between columns. | | |
6 Content orientations (default classic, left image, the right image, overlay, card, overlay box), and 8 positions. | 2 | 6 |
Border, border-radius, box-shadow, background, inner padding, content padding, and many more. | | |
The margin for every content field (thumbnail, title, meta fields, content, social share, custom fields). | | |
30+ Animation types for the overlay content on hover. | | |
Overlay content visibility: always & on hover and overlay color type (solid & gradient). | | |
Thumbnail show/hide, available sizes, custom size with soft & hard cropping, margin, image source, border, border-radius, zoom effect, image mode (grayscale). | | |
Title show/hide, title HTML tag select, title character limit, margin, etc. | | |
Meta fields show/hide, author, date, taxonomy, comment count, view count, like, reading time. | 2 | 9 |
Meta icons (all font-awesome icons available) and meta separator options (normal space, full stop, straight line, slash, backslash). | | |
Select which taxonomy to show in meta fields and set position: beside other meta, above title, below the title. | | |
Content show/hide, content excerpt, an excerpt with limit, full content, HTML tags (allow all, strip all, allow some). | | |
Exclude content of specific HTML tags in the excerpt. | | |
Show/hide the read more button, label, color, radius. | | |
Live filter options (filter type: dropdown, radion, button; label, hide empty terms, show post count, alignment, etc.). | | |
Show/hide content fields (thumbnail, title, content, meta fields, social share, custom fields). | | |
Change the display order of all the content fields (thumbnail, title, content, meta fields, social share, custom fields). | | |
Set custom size (custom width, custom height) for thumbnail. | | |
Image mode (grayscale), zoom effects. | | |
Popup Preview (Single popup and multi popup). | | |
Carousel mode (standard, center, ticker). | | |
Carousel autoplay, speed, pause on hover, infinite loop, lazy load, transition effect, slide (s) to scroll, and many more settings. | | |
Navigation show/hide, 8 positions, arrow icon size, color, and hover color. | | |
Pagination show/hide, color, type, and dynamic pagination. | | |
Carousel adaptive height, touch-swipe, mouse draggable, tab & keyboard. | | |
Supports Right to Left (RTL). | | |
Detail page link type (popup, single page, none). | | |
Popup type (single and multi popup preview with navigation). | | |
Popup width & height and change popup content, overlay, background color. | | |
Show/Hide all content fields in the popup. | | |
Typography Settings (font family, weight, margin, text-align, text-transform, letter spacing, colors, etc.). | | |
Advanced settings, scripts & styles enqueue and dequeue options. | | |
Accessibility settings for blind people. | | |
Custom CSS and JS fields. | | |
Automatic update through activated license key. | | |
Top-notch One to One support from the expert engineers. | | |